Listening to God
Kids play this Bible game to learn how God spoke to Samuel–and how they can listen to God.
Mercy Chair
Kids play this Bible game to learn trust and working together. (video tutorial)
Name Game
Kids play this Bible game to learn one another’s names. (video tutorial)
Noah’s Ark Tag
Kids will form pairs during this fun Bible game of Tag. (video tutorial)
Noodle Ball Game
High-energy fun you can create almost anywhere. All you need are pool noodles and a bit of tape.
Protect David Game
Kids play this Bible game to learn about how Jonathan protected David. (video tutorial)
Protect Your Heart
Kids play this game to learn how to protect their hearts. (video tutorial)
Rain Game
Play this Rain Bible Game with younger children to help them have fun “making rain.”
Ready Your Feet Bible Game
Kids play this Bible game to learn about the armor of God. (video tutorial)
Running on Thirsty Game
Teach children about the woman at the well from John 4 with this active Bible game.
Ships & Sailors
Kids play this version of Simon Says with a pirate theme. (video tutorial)
Shoe Enough
Kids play this Bible game to learn how easy—or difficult—it might be to walk in someone else’s shoes.
Skittles Ice-Breaker Game
Kids use candy to get to know one another. Yum!