Mobile Church Equipment Your Church Can’t Do Without

mobile church


I once attended a church of 45 people who met in a room that was less than 900 square feet, yet they insisted on a full band and sound system. The preacher held a microphone, even though everyone could hear him just fine without it! The total effect was, “we wanna be big-time, but we’re not there yet!” (Perhaps you want to archive or podcast your messages: fair enough. But one portable microphone and one reliable iPhone will do the job for many small churches.)

3). Gear up for what matters: and that means children’s church.

Every church, big or small, must provide a safe, clean, and fun environment for children. And if you’re meeting in a public space like a theater of library, you need to supplement with children’s church gear. This “gear” might be surprising low-tech: baby gates for doorways, lots of plush toys for children, portable coolers for refreshments and clear up.

This is a sacred trust (take care of the little ones) and it’s a good church growth strategy. First-time visitors to any church—mobile or established—will always care about how children are treated. So here’s where to invest in gear: safety, security, digital check-in software (and printers) for children’s ministry, and first aid kits that are up-to-date and easily accessible. Start by visiting sites like KidCheck, and also consider throwing a children’s ministry “shower” to equip your children’s area.

Mobile Church Equipment: Signage.

I know: you’re thinking, this isn’t high tech. But it is the kind of tech that will make your church a welcoming place capable of sharing the Good News. Good signage is important outside and inside your church.

Outside: think through the gear you need to flag people down and bring them in. Even when families use Google Maps to find your location, they need confirmation they’ve arrived. This is one area where you don’t want to say, “A good church is hard to find.”

Inside: If you’re using a school building or library (or even a nightclub!) to host your Sunday worship experience, help people find their way through the building. Companies like Outreach, Inc. (parent company to ChurchLeaders) excel at helping churches with colorful, contemporary signs.

Two Final Questions

Finally, for mobile churches the most important thing to consider is sustainability and effectiveness. Sustainability should lead you to ask, “How can we set-up and takedown our gear quickly, week after week, in a way that doesn’t burn us out?” Effectiveness should lead you to ask, “What are the most basic needs, and how can we cover those needs with excellence and care?”


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Ray Hollenbach
Ray Hollenbach, a Chicagoan, writes about faith and culture. He currently lives in central Kentucky, which is filled with faith and culture. His book "Deeper Change" (and others) is available at

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