From Church Juice – Secrets of Great Church Websites

Great Church Websites
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Images of real people. Stock photography has its purpose, and you may even notice some stock images throughout a few of these websites. However, using images of real people that are part of your community and congregation is important too.

Clear Purpose. Each website is clear in its purpose. Who is the website trying to reach? Who’s the information targeted at?


Clear Call-To-Actions. Call-to-action buttons helps get your site’s visitor to where they want or need to go quicker.

Mobile-Friendly. These websites all look great on desktop; but perhaps more-importantly, they look just as good (sometimes better) on mobile devices, too. More and more website traffic is coming from tablets, cell phones, and other mobile devices.

As you review this list, I hope you use it for inspiration and find encouragement throughout each website. Here are some questions to ask about your own website as you browse this list of best church websites in 2023:

1. Who is the primary audience of our church website? You can only have one primary audience.

2. How easy is it for our primary audience to get the information they need?

3. How well are we communicating through our website? What can we do to improve?

As always, if I can help your church energize its communications, please reach out. I’m here as a resource to you.

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Bryan Haley
Bryan Haley is the program producer for Church Juice, a media ministry dedicated to energizing church communications. With years of communication and outreach experience gained in full-time church ministry and the field of church website design, Bryan brings a passion to help churches reach people with the gospel using effective church communications. Bryan and his family enjoy Michigan summers, Detroit sports, and spending time outdoors.

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