Larry, I can call what you did evil and wicked because it was, and I know it was evil, and wicked, because the straight line exists. The straight line is not measured based on your perception or anyone else’s perception, and this means, I can speak the truth about my abuse without minimization or mitigation and I can call it evil because I know what goodness is.
And this is why I pity you, because when a person loses the ability to define good and evil, when they cannot define evil, they can no longer define and enjoy what is truly good. When a person can harm another human being, especially a child, without true guilt, they have lost the ability to truly love.
Larry, you have shut yourself off from every truly beautiful and good thing in this world, that could have, and should have, brought you joy and fulfillment. And I pity you for it. You could have had everything you pretended to be. Every woman who stood up here truly loved you as an innocent child. Real genuine love for you and it did not satisfy.
I have experienced the soul satisfying joy of a marriage built on sacrificial love, and safety, and tenderness, and care. I have experienced true intimacy in its deepest joys and it is beautiful and sacred and glorious and that is a joy you have cut yourself off from ever experiencing and I pity you for it.
The 40-175 years that Nassar will spend in prison will not give the survivors their stolen innocence back. But the truth of the gospel can shed light into even the darkest of places.
It provides healing and hope for the weary. Genesis 50:20 reminds us that what others might intend for evil, God can transform into good. This is a truth that Denhollander is so vividly living out. Despite the traumatic abuse that she faced at the hands of Nassar, she is a voice of grace, truth and justice.
Today, I am so thankful for Rachael Denhollander’s courage and boldness. Her words will make an impact beyond the courtroom—they are impacting eternity.
This article originally appeared on