Home Christian News Rachel Held Evans, the Doubt-Filled Prophet, Has Died

Rachel Held Evans, the Doubt-Filled Prophet, Has Died

She was a lightning rod for controversy, though, even when she faced her sudden health crisis. Some leaders in the evangelical world felt it necessary to put a disclaimer in front of the fact that they were praying for Evans. Essentially, their statements read this way: “I don’t agree with her theologically, but…I’m praying for her anyway.”

The conservative evangelical site Pulpit and Pen is drawing criticism for an article titled “How Do we Respond to the Death of an Apostate? The Untimely passing of Rachel Held Evans.” In the article, the writer, Greg Smith, comes to the conclusion that one should not “sneer” at her death, but he minces no words stating that Evans is potentially in danger of hellfire. Smith uses the occasion of Evans’ passing to question the salvation of people “like this” who pass away, “by all biblically reasonable accounts, apart from the saving blood and knowledge of the true and holy only begotten Son of the living God?” So is Pulpit and Pen’s take on the situation.

Other leaders have been more gracious. Author Alan Noble said he would have disagreements and debates with Evans on Twitter, but that she never blocked or “trolled” him. “At a time when so many people either cut off or troll those with whom they disagree, RHE continued to interact with me. I’m not saying I’m sorry for her passing *even though* we disagreed. I’m saying one reason I’m sorry is *that* we disagreed but she would still talk to me.”

Tributes to RHE Flood Twitter

Tributes to Evans on Twitter are multiplying as the days go on, with comments ranging from thoughts of the Evans family to the impact Evans’ character and work had on the church, to general concern for those she left behind.

Rest in Peace, Rachel Held Evans

Interestingly, perhaps even prophetically, the last blog post Evans published was about death. In it, she concluded:

Death is a part of life.

My prayer for you this season is that you make time to celebrate that reality, and to grieve that reality, and that you will know you are not alone.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Evans was 37 years old when she died. She leaves behind a husband and two small children, plus countless people who have been impacted by her work.