After critics accused Lecrae of selling out and endorsing Warnock, the rapper tweeted on January 2: “For the record you don’t have to be what evangelicalism/religious right says you have to be to love the Lord. I’m [not] the leftist or Marxist they fear me being & I’m not the right wing conservative they demand I be. I’m a Christ follower.”
In late January, conservative firebrand Charlie Kirk warned Christian church leaders not to host Lecrae. “That’s the guy who we’re listening to on [Christian radio station] K-LOVE, who we’re supposed to look up to, who, in my personal opinion, should never be allowed to perform at another church after advocating for Raphael Warnock,” Kirk said.
Lecrae labeled that as “racist rhetoric,” responding to Kirk by saying, “All the white supremacy wrapped up in that is crazy that they don’t even see it.” The rapper added that it’s “sad that you so connect the church to a political party that a person who votes opposite of you, or you perceive that they voted opposite of you, is now some sort of heretic or the Antichrist.”
The antagonism in our current political climate has left “very deep lines in the sand,” says Lecrae, adding that it pains him.
Lecrae: “I need to stand firm because people need me.”
Although the criticism isn’t likely to end soon, Lecrae says the difficulties have galvanized his faith. “I need to stand firm because people need me,” says the father of three. “If I shut my mouth or acquiesce, so many voices will be silenced or suffocated.”
During his journey away from what he described as “America’s version of Christianity,” Lecrae admits there were times he blamed God rather than “broken humanity.” He says, “What should’ve been a people wound became a God wound.” But God brought him back “kicking and screaming,” says the rapper, who’s now determined to “follow the Lord and walk as He walked.”
Near the end of their conversation, Lecrae and Vischer compare notes about what it’s like to be universally loved one moment only to have the tables turn when you take a stand on something. Vischer, creator of “VeggieTales,” says former fans have told him, “Go back and do the tomato!” But that’s not possible “after hearing so many people’s stories that are so different from mine,” says Vischer. “I can’t pretend I didn’t hear them.” The podcaster compares the situation to pro athletes being told to “shut up and dribble” rather than embrace social causes.
Lecrae says he’s made financial decisions to avoid having anyone control “my mouth or my convictions.” He says he tries to remain consistent and invest resources in people who will continue carrying the gospel message forward. Ultimately, what gives him hope is that “the tomb is still empty,” Lecrae says. “Death is defeated. [The tomb] was empty during the Trail of Tears, it was empty during the Holocaust, it was empty during slavery. It was empty then, and it’s empty now. … I’m confident that God is still at work.”