East Texas Franchisees Build Their Chick-fil-A on the Bible—Literally

Screenshot from Twitter: @theEricSki


As the concrete was being poured for their Chick-fil-A franchise in Marshall, Texas, owners David and Holley Snow wanted to emphasize that the restaurant will “glorify God” and bless people. So they had their 4-year-old son, Montgomery, place a Bible, open to Joshua 1:9, in the foundation during construction.

Because their second child was being born at the time, David and Holley were unable to attend the event. But they “figured what better way to start a legacy in this community than with their children—the future.” The “Be strong and courageous” Bible verse has special meaning to the family, especially now that their baby daughter, Wynter, faces numerous health challenges.

Chick-fil-A Franchise: Couple Aims to Be Faithful Stewards

After retiring from the NFL and completing his MBA, David Snow began working in operations for Chick-fil-A. He and Holley, a former news reporter, decided to open their own Chick-fil-A franchise in East Texas, where they both grew up.

“While we do serve delicious food, people are what’s most important to us,” the Snows write on social media. “Our purpose here is simple—to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.”

Chick-fil-A, America’s favorite fast-food chain for seven consecutive years, is both revered and reviled for its Christian principles. On Twitter, Eric Skwarczynski writes about the Snows, “They buried a Bible under their Chick-fil-a,” and asks followers to “please make sense of this.” Comments range from people saying it’s a cult-like practice to a solid idea, despite the fact that you’re “destroying a perfectly good Bible.”

The Snows Call Their Daughter an ‘Absolute Miracle’

The Snows’ move to East Texas will be gradual, with David operating the restaurant while Holley remains in Austin with Wynter, still hospitalized. The baby, born in October, has Down syndrome, a congenital heart defect, and an esophageal defect. Wynter underwent her first surgery at 3 days old and faces many more.

“We firmly believe God thought of & uniquely designed our Wyn, just as He wanted her here on Earth — in His image,” Holley Snow writes on Facebook. “Wynter is an answer to countless prayers, a daughter of the King & an absolute miracle — unlike anything we’ve ever witnessed on this Earth.”

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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