Home Christian News Greg Locke’s Mass Burning of ‘Demonic Influences’ Ignited Last Night; Homeland Security...

Greg Locke’s Mass Burning of ‘Demonic Influences’ Ignited Last Night; Homeland Security Attends

Locke further shared that he can’t unsee the things God allowed him to witness this week by exposing the enemy in ways he’s never seen. The pastor said he had witnessed people’s “full-blown deliverance” from demonic activity in their lives.

“We love this community. We sow more money into this community than ten churches in this town,” Locke said after he told people not to engage those protesting their burn event.

RELATED: Greg Locke Says Autistic Children Are Demonized: ‘Ain’t No Such Diagnosis in the Bible’

Homeland Security, witches, Freemasons, and others were among those in attendance, some protesting Locke’s preaching and the church’s “burning service.”

Explaining to the congregation how the burning would take place, Locke told them not to engage the fire department if they attempted to put out the fire, saying, “If something breaks out under this tent our security will handle it.” Locke said he would guide the burning from the stage as the Holy Spirit led him.

The United States Constitution protects the church’s right to do this and so does the Bible, Locke explained. “We have a burn permit. But even without one, a church has a religious right to burn occultic materials that they deem are a threat to their religious rights and freedoms and belief system.” No one is putting “our fire” out tonight, the pastor said.

“I want hell to know that Global Vision is dangerous to the kingdom of darkness,” Locke told the church.

After the band sang a worship song made popular by Elevation Church’s worship team and written by Steven Furtick, Locke preached for about thirty minutes before the church headed out to the large bonfire.

RELATED: Steven Furtick Accused of Being a ‘False Teacher’ After Recent Facebook Post

The church’s livestream video of the outdoor burning service didn’t capture any audio but showed people throwing items into a large pallet fire on the church’s property.

The camera followed Locke around while he and others threw demonic-related material they gathered into the fire.

No disturbances by outside protestors were reported.