Feminist want “power not equality,” MacArthur continued. “This is the highest location they can ascend to that power in the evangelical church and overturn what is clearly scriptural.”
MacArthur then called out the denomination that Moore used to be part of saying, “This is why we can’t let culture exegete the Bible, and I need to add a footnote. When the Southern Baptists met in June (2019) and they passed Resolution 9 and they said intersectionality and critical theory are useful in interpreting the Bible—that was a watershed moment for that entire movement, because if the culture has the right to interpret the Bible, they will interpret the Bible and liberalism will take over.”
RELATED: Beth Moore Leaves the SBC, Saying ‘I Can No Longer Identify With Southern Baptists’
“This is an evidence that they are allowing the culture to interpret the scripture,” MacArthur shared. “A couple weeks after that, there was a panel discussion of Southern Baptist leaders who said there should never be another translation committee without a Latino, an African-American, and a woman on it…How about somebody that knows Greek and Hebrew?”
MacArthur reiterated that letting women preach in churches is not a minor issue, saying, “When you literally overturn the clear teaching of scripture to empower people who want power, you have given up biblical authority.” While the discussion began with what many felt was a joke from MacArthur, MacArthur made it clear that he feels “this is no small issue.”
Alluding to Moore’s involvement with the SBC at the time he was speaking, MacArthur was confident that the denomination was headed toward affirming women preachers to be biblical. GCC’s pastor didn’t give much hope for the SBC to be able to turn things back to the way he believes is biblical.
Beth Moore Shares How Those Words Made Her Feel
Moore shared, for what is believed to be the first time publicly, how she felt when she heard MacArthur tell her to “go home” and that she was a “narcissist” from the pastors at GCC.
“After a certain public mockery at a pastors conference, I was literally heartsick for the ones who had done it,” Moore tweeted. “I thought how miserable they must be for having ridiculed a sister in Christ publicly like that.”
Moore expected they would have contacted her privately to apologize, and she shared what she would have said: “I knew what I was going to say when they contacted me because it would have been completely sincere: I was going to say I knew what it was like to let your mouth get away from you and I forgive you without hesitation.”
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“But that contact never came,” Moore said. “It baffled me and made me sad because I believed them to be people of spiritual integrity even if I did not see eye to eye with them.”
Moore expressed worry for the pastors because of their lack of repentance and non-apologetic hearts, saying, “That they felt no need to apologize was more worrisome to me than the ridicule. Y’all, this isn’t a game. These things matter to the Lord. We are followers of Jesus.”
“Not one of us is exempt from conviction of sin and the responsibility and right, thank God, by the blood of Christ and power of His cross, to repent,” Moore concluded. “We need an awakening of integrity. I need one.”