I genuinely do not understand the concept that if one is offended by a statement then he is owed a public conversation. I also fail to understand why many ex-Christians and progressive “Christians” get so offended when I say something that surely, they must already know that I believe? Many of them have left the faith, denounced Christ, denounced his Word, they attack the Bible, attack traditional Christians who still believe in historical Christianity, mock the truths that we hold sacred—all on public platforms. So naturally, I say that I’m declaring war on their philosophies—and they shriek. Why? What do they think they are doing when they tread on beliefs Christians hold so dear? They attack our belief in the virgin birth, the sacrificial atonement of Christ, the authority of Scripture, the resurrection of Christ, and God’s holiness that demands justice. They mock the faith, but I’m the bad guy for calling them out? True love—as defined by the Bible and NOT by one’s feelings—demands that we call out false teaching in order to protect those in the faith, especially the “little ones” (Luke 17:2). I did not attack them. I’m simply defending the faith.
CL — Why do you think deconstructionists take offense to what you have said?
John Cooper: Some have accused me of not understanding the multiple ways that the term Deconstruction is used. If the larger clip of the video were shown, I believe that I listed off the various groups or philosophies that are lying to young people such as Hollywood, musicians, academia, influencers, and then I say, “there’s another group who is lying to our young people…formerly Christian leaders/influencers leaving the faith in a public way.” Then I call that the Deconstruction Movement. Sometimes I make a distinction between people who are asking questions and people who are publicly announcing their exit (and distain) from Christianity. I believe it’s clear to attendees who I am talking about because I say specifically “…have left the faith.”
RELATED: Matt Chandler’s Deconstruction Comment Unravels Twitter
It also seems to me that many ex-Christians desire a “seat at the table” in Christianity, yet none of my Muslim friends, atheist friends, or any other spiritualists that I have toured with, ever demand a place in Christianity for themselves. The latter understands that Christianity is defined by core tenets. On the other hand, many ex-Christians and deconstructionists have denied those tenets publicly, and now have a public platform trying to convince other Christians to deny them too. The entire reason I began Cooper Stuff was to explain cultural issues like this and try to equip Christians with Biblical truth to protect them from being deceived by false teaching and the spirit of the age.
CL – What type of response have you seen from the audience at Winter Jam when after you speak?
John Cooper: This is my fifth Winter Jam tour over a 14-year period and I have never seen this many people giving their lives to Jesus. It’s remarkable. There is a hunger for truth and straight talk, as everyone has experienced the chaos, confusion, and uncertainty of the last 5 years. It’s more than just COVID. It’s the entire philosophical revolution that has created a world of relative truth and left our young people in a stormy sea without an anchor. They don’t know who to believe, and many are deciding to put their trust in Jesus. He is the truth, and his word never fails.
Check out Skillet’s new album “Dominion” here and check out their Winter Jam tour dates to see if they are coming to city near you.