Today’s culture is now calling Christians the “evil ones” and are attempting to cancel us “or do worse,” the candidate told the crowd, again emphasizing the importance of a healthy fear of God in standing firm. Ascol specifically cited how God defines a man, a woman, and the difference between right and wrong. God “has told us that the only way to be forgiven for your wrongs and made right with Him is through the shed blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In His name, we call you to repent to be reconciled to your God.”
Ascol implored pastors to repent if they’ve deviated from God’s Word in any way.
“We must be the lead repenters in our churches. And we must call our congregations with us to return to what the Word says about what a church is. Because if we will get that right, what a Christian is, what the Gospel is, what a church is,” then we will handle the problems facing the SBC.
“Those problems will be addressed by local churches under the authority of Jesus Christ, as the New Testament tells us we must do,” Ascol said to conclude his speech. “We won’t be trying to adjudicate crimes in our churches. Rather, we’ll call God’s deacon, the Policeman. And we’ll say, Mr. Policeman, here’s a crime. You deal with that, using the sword that God has put into your hand. We’ll deal with the sin, using the keys of the Kingdom [that] God has put in our hands.”