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John Piper: Turn God’s Promises Into Prayers for a Non-Christian Spouse

Finally, the pastor notes “the instruction and the promise” found in 2 Timothy 2:24-26. Praying from that passage might sound like this: “Father, even though no one deserves to be saved, no one deserves the gift of repentance, no one deserves escape from the devil, nevertheless, you are a God of mercy. I know this because I escaped when I was just as blind and snared in deadness of heart as my husband. Here I am praying, loving you, trusting you—amazing grace in my life!

“You are a God of mercy, and if you will, you can grant repentance, and liberation, and faith, and life. I know you have mercy on whom you have mercy. I know you are free and all-wise, and as your child, I am asking that, for the glory of your grace, you would give repentance to my husband.”

To anyone wrestling in prayer for non-Christian family members and friends, Piper says don’t “lose heart” (Luke 18:1) because God can do the “impossible” (Luke 18:27).