NC Pastor to School Board: CRT and Diversity Programs Waste Money

John Amanchukwu
Screengrab via YouTube @WakeCountySchools


In an interview with The Christian Post, Amanchukwu, 38, describes CRT as a “far-from-biblical way of thinking” that “has no place being preached in any pulpit.” CRT and abortion are “twin evils” stemming from racism, he says, noting that Black women have the highest  abortion rates in America.

RELATED: Grove City Board Accepts Full CRT Report, Says College Promoted CRT

“If the enemy can’t kill a child in the womb, today he’s attacking and killing our children mentally in the public school system,” the pastor tells CP. “There’s a whole system of indoctrination taking place in our public school system. We’ve moved away from pedagogy, and we’ve gone towards indoctrination. And it’s time for us to get back to reading, writing, and arithmetic.”

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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