‘Cancel Culture Is a Tactic the Left Uses’—Kirk Cameron Hosts Controversial Pastor Douglas Wilson on ‘Takeaways’

Douglas Wilson on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron
Screengrab via TBN


“That is not a time to be a lamb led to the slaughter, right? That is a time that the lion of the tribe of Judah needs to speak,” David went on to express. “What we’ve done in the church today is that the ‘gospel of nice’ has replaced the gospel of the Kingdom.”

Jason added, “In our culture today, it’s time for us to no longer be candles in shining our light but being coals and burning and emanating our light.”

Despite the various wins for religious liberty in high profile court rulings over the past number of years, David said, “We are just about to enter the criminalization phase where you will be thrown in jail…and that’s why it’s so important for Christians to recognize who is in us. And this is a time now: you cannot be a silent Christian. You have to speak the truth.” 

“You know, back in the Third Reich with Hitler, he actually made a bargain with the church,” David said later in the conversation, going on to describe threats Hitler made against clergy to keep them from speaking against his government. 

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“There are many homosexuals that are out there who have been set free, but now you’re not allowed to tell your testimony, because it’s not politically correct and you’re speaking, technically, against the state,” David said, though he cited no legislation or government action to limit such free speech in America. “And it’s wrong. It’s an attack on the gospel.” 

Noteworthy of David’s comparison is the fact that homosexuality was criminalized in Nazi Germany, and queer people suffered great persecution from the government, many of them losing their lives during the Holocaust. 

Douglas Wilson: ‘Cancel Culture Is a Tactic the Left Uses’

In the second half of the program, Cameron sat down with Douglas Wilson. Expressing that he always feels like his “mind expands a couple of sizes” after speaking with the pastor, Cameron asked Wilson to describe what cancel culture is. 

“Cancel culture is a tactic the Left uses,” Wilson said. “The Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse, and others developed this idea that certain ideas, basically conservative and Christian ones, were not to be debated. They were just to be shut out, shut down.”

Wilson described this philosophy as “repressive tolerance,” adding that “it all boils down to the Left, or the progressives, whatever you want to call them, taking this approach: ‘Shut up,’ they explained.”

This is what Wilson described as “totali-tolerance.”

“Totali-tolerance is, in the name of tolerance and freedom of expression, we shut up anybody who disagrees with us,” Wilson said, later adding, “If you say that I cannot say certain things, watch me say them. I’m gonna say them anyway.”

Describing the difference between being a “reformer” and a “revolutionary” in response to the issues that face society, Wilson said, “The revolutionary has an ideological utopian vision of fluffy clouds and unicorns, you know, ‘Let’s just pay everybody a livable wage,’ and ‘Let’s just make everybody happy and everybody rich, and free chocolate milk for everybody.’ That’s their idea of this paradise. That’s what they want to lurch into.”

Conversely, Wilson argued, “the Christian wants to weigh the options, and he wants to push in the direction of the ideal form, but at the same time being patient.”

Quoting economist and political commentator Thomas Sowell, Wilson continued, “Liberals tend to think in terms of solutions, and conservatives tend to think in terms of trade offs, right? So conservatives always think, ‘There’s a price tag.’ … The liberal thinks in terms of, ‘Here’s a problem. Let’s pass a bill; let’s fix it; let’s appropriate the money,’ and they don’t think in terms of the price tag.”

RELATED: ‘The Apostle Paul Wants the Women to Make the Sandwiches,’ Says Pastor Douglas Wilson

Arguing that each new societal problem is the result of the previous generation’s liberal solutions, Wilson added, “It’s the bill coming due.” 

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Dale Chamberlain
Dale Chamberlain (M.Div) is Content Manager for ChurchLeaders. With experience in pastoral ministry as well as the corporate marketing world, he is also an author and podcaster who is passionate about helping people tackle ancient truths in everyday settings. Dale lives in Southern California with his wife Tamara and their three sons.

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