John Piper Praises Edwards’ Teachings
In 2021, popular theologian John Piper gave thanks for Edwards’ teachings even after finding out he was a slaveholder.
“Whatever explanation I might give for why Edwards did not see his way clear to the renunciation of slaveholding at his moment in history, one thing I cannot deny: fifty years of reading and pondering Edwards has been for me more heart-humbling, more Christ-exalting, more God-revering, more Bible-illuminating, more righteousness-beckoning, more prayer-sweetening, more missions-advancing, and more love-deepening than any other author outside the Bible,” Piper said in an article.
Piper concluded, “Whether this ought to be the case, I leave for others to judge. That it is the case is undeniable. And for this mercy I give thanks.”
Moore’s Followers Agree and Disagree With Edwards’ Comment
Moore’s followers voiced a mixture agreement and disagreement with Moore’s comments regarding Edwards.
One commenter praised Moore for tweeting things that make her critics angry, saying, “Beth Moore is trending again. The way she pisses theobros off simply for breathing deserves some sort of achievement award, honestly.”
“I could not agree more. I did not grow up understanding God’s love or grace and at 66 I am still working on that. What scares me is what our generation potentially misses about Jesus and the gospel. We see through a glass darkly,” one of Moore’s followers replied.
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Another wrote, “I don’t agree with the image either. For one thing, preaching only the law to the already broken and hopeless is to be avoided. For another, the reality is more that I often try to jump into the fire myself, and God is the one catching me and lifting me up to Himself.”
“Edwards couldn’t be further from the description of the God revealed in Jesus. I could see how such a cold-hearted take could come from a man who owned slaves and was an absent father,” another commenter said.
One who disagreed with Moore’s interpretation of Edwards’ words commented, “Folks like Beth Moore seems to think that the wrath of God is an uncomfortable contradiction of the love of Christ. But the love of Christ is so important—and so precious—precisely because in our wretched sin we are so unworthy of anything but God’s wrath.”
“Churches will start including ‘safe spaces’ for those exposed to a Jonathon Edwards sermon. There will be emotional support animals and gluten free vegan snacks available for those in distress. Beth Moore will be providing juice boxes and tissues,” another said.
Someone else said, “300 years from now, people will still be reading Edwards. And no one will have a clue who Beth Moore was.”