Home Christian News Delivered for a Purpose: Former Porn Star Is Now an Ordained Minister

Delivered for a Purpose: Former Porn Star Is Now an Ordained Minister

When Kirchen finally decided to stop being a porn star and left the adult-film business, he met his now-wife, Patrice, who helped him renew his faith. He has also been mentored by men who’ve helped him embrace freedom in Christ.

“Now I’m at peace with God,” Kirchen tells The Christian Post. “I have finally come to the point in my life where I’m saying what Paul said, ‘Whether I live or die, it’s for Christ.’ I have a purpose. I’m only here to do what I need to do for God, and I know I’m meant to use my past to help others come to know Christ’s love, mercy, and forgiveness.”

Deliverance Session Led to Radical Change, Ordination

In 2012, Roger Frye, president of Pathway to Freedom, performed a two-hour “deliverance session” on Kirchner. Frye describes his work as removing the strongholds and legal grounds that Satan maintains on people’s lives. After the session, Frye tells The Christian Post, he “could sense that [Kirchen’s] life was really being radically changed,” so he decided to ordain him. “I think there’s a real call on his life,” adds Frye.

Bobby Teddlie, another mentor, describes witnessing Kirchen mature and blossom into “a truly new man” of God. “His past is definitely an asset at times, to open the door to glorify Jesus as he does often,” adds Teddlie. He recalls seeing his friend minister to people who are angry at God, as Kirchen once was, and then break down walls with Jesus’ love.

On the Perseverance Podcast, Kirchen says he has a heart for people who are still mired in the “mess” of porn. “That’s the enemy’s way to get us to objectify people,” he says, “and once we objectify, we can’t have a true relationship or a true love.” What ultimately matters is not your number of likes, your looks, or money, Kirchen adds, but rather “Where are you gonna spend the rest of your life? Are you in heaven or hell?”

On his Kevin Kirchen Ministries Facebook page, Kirchen writes that his “hope is that God will use this page to move someone towards accepting Jesus into their heart.” A recent post reads: “No one is beyond redemption. ‘Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.’ Psalms 107:2 NLT