Woman Credits Prayer for Toes Growing Back; Skeptics Want Proof

james river church
Screenshots from Vimeo / @Truth Seeker


The website encourages anyone who witnessed the toe-related miracle to contact WeWillAcceptProof@gmail.com. Appealing directly to Dines, it notes: “If you are Krissy and you see this and are ready to provide proof of your miracle or to provide an apology for your deception I will gladly use this website to allow you to do so.”

A clip on the ShowMeTheToes Instagram account features Lindell explaining why he’s not providing tangible evidence of the new toes. The pastor said he’s “less interested in proving to people what I know God did than I am in protecting sheep who are vulnerable.” Of Dines, who’s had “a lot of trauma in her life,” he added, “Her miracle is real; it’s genuine.” The caption accuses Lindell of exploiting Dines by naming her and sharing her domestic abuse story.


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The self-described “truth seeker” who owns that Instagram account mocks the claims of healing and resurrection. In a post promising “Exclusive Video” of “faith healers and prosperity preachers after the services are over,” video shows a cartoon clip of Scrooge McDuck diving into gold coins. The caption reads, in part: “There’s big money in the toe regrowth game these days. Ask @jamesriver about it.”

A fake ad for “Another Week of Power at James River” features an image of the titular corpse from the movie “Weekend at Bernie’s.”

ChurchLeaders has reached out to James River Church for comment and will update this article in the event of a reply.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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