In-N-Out Bans Masks for Employees, Notes the ‘Importance of Customer Service’


Pandemic Protocols Remain in Place

The CDC recommendations include “isolation and precautions for people with COVID-19.” The information, intended for a general audience, outlines that there “are precautions you can take to prevent spreading it to others: isolation, masking, and avoiding contact with people who are at high risk of getting very sick.”

Recently, Israeli delegation members tested positive for COVID-19. The White House confirmed it still has COVID-19 testing protocols in place for anyone meeting with the President.

This Isn’t the First Time In-N-Out’s Health Policies Have Been Controversial

According to the Los Angeles Times, there have been at least two instances where California In-N-Out locations have disregarded COVID-19 protocols. And, each time, the locations were forced to close.

Both cases happened in 2021. An In-N-Out location in San Francisco disregarded a local mandate for customers to provide proof of vaccinations when dining indoors. This location was closed temporarily. Weeks later, another In-N-Out in Pleasant Hill, California, was shut down for “repeatedly” violating health orders.

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Janna Firestone
Janna serves as Director of Women's Ministries at LifeSpring Covenant Church. You'll find her engaging in authentic conversation, enjoying a good laugh, or embarking on an outdoor adventure. Janna has contributed to several books for women and youth in the church, spoken to women's groups across the country, led small groups, and found a deep appreciation for soul care. She lives in Colorado with her husband and two sons.

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