Candace Cameron Bure Turned to 1 Peter 3:1 Early in Her Marriage When Her Husband Wasn’t Interested in God

Candace Cameron Bure
Candace Cameron Bure. Screengrab from YouTube / @jwlkrsworship


Then Bure’s brother, Kirk Cameron, gave her a book that explained God’s standards for holiness. Bure started measuring her actions against the standards in the 10 Commandments and realized that she was not a good person but was in fact a sinner. 

“When we compare our sin to the standard of the world, we all come up reasonably clean, but when we compare our sin to the snow white righteousness of God’s law, we’ll see that we’re in fact, filthy dirty,” said Bure.

From the time she realized she needed Jesus to save her, Bure prayed, “God, I don’t ever want to forget this. This is such a revelation, and I don’t want to forget this feeling, and I want to be passionate about you for the rest of my life. And please don’t ever let that fire burn out.”

“And it never has,” she said.

The problem was that Bure’s husband was not interested in God. “I got so excited to talk to Val about it,” she said. “We were not on the same page.”

In fact, Valeri actually found her enthusiasm to be off-putting. “At one point, he was just like, ‘You’re actually making me take two steps back,’” said Bure, who had found a church and wanted him to come with her but said she was going to go even if he didn’t. “He said, ‘I get it that you’re into God and reading the Bible and going to church.’” 

But he told her, “Unless I ask you about God, don’t talk to me about him because you’re just, you’re in my face about it, and you’re totally turning me off. And I know your intention is good, but it’s making me take two steps back.” 

“And that was really hard to hear,” said Bure. 

“Now you, as the woman, are the spiritual leader of your family because your husband’s kind of closed off to it,” Schnacky said, “but that’s the role he’s called to be. How do you handle that? What did you do? Because he is a believer now.”

“Yeah, he is,” Bure agreed. Feeling “heartbroken” at her husband’s response, Bure wondered, “How am I going to show him? How am I going to tell him who God is if he doesn’t want me to talk about God? And I knew there was, there had to be a verse in the Bible.”

She discovered 1 Peter 3:1, which says, “Wives, in the same way, submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.”

RELATED: What Candace Cameron Bure Did When Her Husband Was Unhappy With Her Acting in Romance Movies

When Bure read that verse, she “started crying” as she realized her husband could be won to God “by my conduct, how I treat him, how I care for him as a wife, just who I am.” 

“My prayers were more about me and changing my behavior to reflect God,” said Bure. “I was praying for Val’s salvation, and I prayed that he would one day be the spiritual leader of our home.”

“I prayed those every day,” she continued, “but I was focusing on, ‘Lord, mold me and change me into the woman you want me to be so that I can show him who you are through my actions.’”

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Jessica Lea
Jessica is a content editor for and the producer of The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast. She has always had a passion for the written word and has been writing professionally for the past five years. When Jessica isn't writing, she enjoys West Coast Swing dancing, reading, and spending time with her friends and family.

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