Are You Cheating on God?

My youngest son is awkwardly in love with the words “my” and “mine.” Tiffani and I try to correct him, but if we corrected him every time he said “my” or “mine,” we would do nothing else. Seriously. Nothing.

What about you? Do you have a “my” and “mine” attitude toward money and possessions? If so, a red flag should pop up in your head that you might be cheating on God.

Here’s a nugget of truth: Nothing you have is yours. Everything you have is from God. Every dollar in your bank account and every possession you own will either be thrown into a garbage dump or be given to someone else.

If God is your ultimate heart’s desire, your time and money will reflect it.

#8: Is your relationship with God burdensome? 

Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. 1 John 5:3

“Most Christians give just enough of their lives to God to make them miserable.” I heard a preacher make that statement one time. It’s convicting. It’s also true.

A relationship with God should never be burdensome. But when God isn’t the ultimate heart’s desire, a relationship with him will be burdensome. Just like a marital relationship.

If I am committing adultery against my wife, our marriage is going to crumble. Marriage is designed to be pure, having desires for only one person. When we are cheating on God with anything, a relationship with God feels burdensome.

Is following God a burden for you? If so, why?


You say I love God, but maybe you need to break-up with some “gods” in your life. Things cripple your relationship with God. Only the true God can fill the longings of our heart. Only God completely satisfies.

How might your life be different if God wasn’t just number one in your hierarchy, but the only one?