I Was Almost Aborted (But That’s Not the Biggest Reason Why I’m Pro-Life)

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


To me this is not a political issue nearly as much as it is a moral issue. Ultimately, it’s not about a mother’s right to choose or a baby’s right to live. It’s about God’s right to create life. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. We dare not seek to stop his creative hand. We must see every life as a precious gift from him.

And, if you are reading this and have had an abortion or are seething mad because you are pro-abortion, just know this. Your life is precious too. It’s so precious that the Son of God invaded time and space to become the Son of Man, Jesus himself. He lived the perfect life you and I could never live. He died, as the perfect sacrifice, in your place and mine. He died for our sin and because of our sin. And now he offers you true life, everlasting life, if you simply trust in him to save you.

Jesus said these words in John 11:25, 26, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?

Jesus is pro-life too, pro-eternal life. Trust in him now. Receive his gift of eternal life through faith. The moment you do, you will be both forgiven and given, forgiven for every sin, no matter how drastic that sin may be, and given life, hope, purpose and a new family of brothers and sisters in Christ.

I write all about this, and tons more, in my new book, Unlikely Fighter: The Story of a How Fatherless Street Kid Overcame Violence, Chaos and Confusion to Become a Radical Christ Follower. I encourage you to read it. This book will remind you of how precious every life is, both young and old. It will remind you that the Gospel changes everything.

It sure did for my ma.

This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.

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Greg Stierhttp://gregstier.dare2share.org/
Hi, I'm Greg Stier, CEO and Founder of Dare 2 Share Ministries. On this blog I share personal experiences about life, ministry, and how we are mobilizing teenagers across America to share their faith. I would love to connect with you. Follow me on TwitterFacebook or join a move of God at Dare 2 Share.

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