By this most beautiful order, and as it were symmetry, is the safety of the Church indeed preserved; that is, when every one imparts to all in common what he has received from the Lord, in such a way as not to impede others. He who inverts this order fights with God, by whose ordinance it is appointed; for the difference of gifts proceeds not from the will of man, but because it has pleased the Lord to distribute his grace in this manner.
There is a “beautiful order” and a “symmetry” in the use of the diverse gifts God has given His people. How glorious when the saints are desirous of using their gifts to the full. When the member of a congregation does what he or she is gifted to do, and each member compliments the others in bringing their gifts to use in the life of the congregation, all the members collectively benefit. No gift is elevated high above the others so as to make the others unnecessary or inconsequential. Rather, those gifts that may appear less significant than others are often most necessary for the carrying out of those that may appear more significant.
As we think about these things, as assess our own gifts and the use of them in the local church to which we have bound ourselves, may the Lord give us grace to think soberly about the need we have to exercise them to the full for the good of the whole body. We all need one another and the gifts God has given us, and every member must play his part for the good of the church on the whole and the advancement of the kingdom of God.
This article about every church member playing his part originally appeared here and is used by permission.