Home Outreach Leaders TikTok: Could ‘Algorithm-Based Evangelism’ Be a Bigger Opportunity for the Gospel...

TikTok: Could ‘Algorithm-Based Evangelism’ Be a Bigger Opportunity for the Gospel Than Radio and Television Combined?

I wake up everyday to comments like this, “You don’t know me but I prayed to become a Christian months ago on your account. I want you to know that I have my first Bible and will be getting baptized next week.” That comment was posted on a video I had uploaded months before. The library of content continues to be viewed 24/7/365. Posts don’t die on TikTok, they live on. The delayed residual return on TikTok makes it unique from many other platforms.

5. Spiritual Power & Authority

Just like in-person preaching, gospel proclamation engages powers and principalities in digital spaces and requires the evangelist to rely on the Holy Spirit and focus on the authority of Scripture and the Gospel. This is one of the ways my account has prospered and suffered some persecution. There are real people on the other side of the screen and the enemy is at work in them and through them to thwart the gospel. Using the name of Jesus and stewarding the power of that name has proven time and time again to bear much fruit.

One commenter was dropping profanities into many posts and provoking Christians to anger. I made a post in response, calling on Jesus and the community to respond in love. Over the course of two weeks, this person repented and took first steps into the Christian community.

While I could teach a seminar on how the algorithm works and the tricks of the trade, none of that is nearly as important as the power of the Word of God-it is unstoppable. God is using TikTok in a powerful way to reach Gen Z with the gospel. Gen Z is NOT tuning into Christian radio or satellite TV, the eyes and ears right now are undoubtedly on TikTok and so this is where we bring the unction of the Spirit of the Living God. We may not be able to pray in schools, but every single day I get to speak 6-12 inches away from the eyes a 14 year old sitting in the back seat of his mother’s SUV after school and tell him that Jesus loves him and that he can be born again through repentance and faith. There is no greater honor or joy for an evangelist!