Home Outreach Leaders OPINION: Navigating the Moral Complexity of a Post Roe World

OPINION: Navigating the Moral Complexity of a Post Roe World

Unfortunately, our country’s two party system does not provide an easy avenue to elect legislators that are willing to fight for life from womb to tomb. But that mustn’t keep us from trying. For decades, evangelicals have worked alongside other faith groups and political entities to create a voting bloc united against abortion. We must similarly work to build coalitions that stand against related injustices.

Christians will only be able to be a prophetic voice of true justice in our society if we resolve to stop allowing cable news and social media headlines to shape our understanding of the world and instead look to the values provided to us in scripture.

God wants to do a new work in us. It’s just not as simple as voting red or voting blue. God’s justice stands on the side of life, and God’s justice is about more than crime and punishment. God’s justice is about bringing wholeness in the midst of brokenness, a light of goodness that shines equally on all those suffering in darkness.

This article originally appeared here