Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 10 Characteristics of Growing Churches

10 Characteristics of Growing Churches

6. The church is full of passion.

People in the church actually LOVE the church and do not attend because they feel like they have to!  The only reason people get angry with the fact that you love your church is probably because they have no idea what it is like to actually love their church.

7. They take ownership of the Great Commission.

They REFUSE to be “keepers of the aquarium” and instead embrace the COMMAND of Jesus to reach the world for Him.  

8. There is a willingness to change and adapt…

…even when it means they have to go against the very “innovative” ideas that they themselves once established!

Anyone can change the traditions of the past, but true innovation occurs when we’re willing to change the ideas that we once thought were innovative and groundbreaking.

9. Generosity is embraced.

The world has never been impacted in a positive way by people that were greedy.

10. The people in the church are OWNERS, not merely “members.”

Members have rights; owners have responsibilities. The people in these churches understand that it is not the pastor’s job to minister to the people but rather the body’s job to minister to the body!  And as a result, people serve Jesus by serving others instead of sitting on their “blessed assurance” and expecting to be waited on hand and foot.