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No Passport Required (for Radical Christianity)

There’s no doubt changing the scenery in life can certainly change our souls, but before we sign up for the next missions trip or long for the escapism of a holy huddle on foreign soil, many of us are in need of being transformed before we end up living in clay huts ill-equipped to do the work God has called us to do.

Ministry is here and now, local and domestic.

For those who are called to lands far, far away, we celebrate the distinct call upon their lives and pray for provision and providential movings. But for those of us who sit in offices with no windows, aren’t boarding planes or building houses, life is still destined for purpose to the glory of God.

Sure, it would be cool to blog from Guam holding a Bible in one hand a coconut in another with a picture I posted in Instagram.

But as I sat in a hotel room in Lubbock, Texas, this morning, I realized that servanthood doesn’t require a passport, and ministry isn’t solely for the world-traveler.

It’s a daily commitment to recognizing life isn’t about me. Daily dying to self, loving others, and giving praise to God is missional. 

Do what God has called you to do. With or without your passport.

Glamorous or not, what is God calling you to do? Are you doing it?

*I realized I had a call of ministry on my life while in graduate school in the middle of a lecture that went something like: I really need to finish my midterm. I really need to meet with Professor Shroud. Wait, I really just want to do ministry and serve people. Truth.