Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 10 Signs Your Christianity Has Become Too Comfortable

10 Signs Your Christianity Has Become Too Comfortable

6. The plight of the poor doesn’t concern you.

7. Pictures of overseas suffering do not move you to action.

8. You do not give your financial resources sacrificially.

9. Your prayers don’t seem to be making it past the ceiling.

10. It doesn’t even dawn on you that God could do something incredibly radical in your life at any moment today.  It’s not even on your radar.

Many items on that list have described me at various times in my life.  Like British aristocrats on an African safari, I was lulled into a mindset of comfort over experiencing everything that was laid out right there in front of me.  I had become too comfortable.  

Can you relate?  What can we do to get uncomfortable in our Christianity?