Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 9 Signs Your Church is Ready to Reach the Unchurched

9 Signs Your Church is Ready to Reach the Unchurched

3. Your attenders are prepared to be nonjudgmental.

Unchurched people do not come ‘preconverted.’ They will have lifestyle issues that might take years to change (and let’s be honest, don’t you?).

Cleaning up your behaviour is not a precondition for salvation, at least not in Christianity.

What God has done for us in Jesus saves us; not what we have done for God. Is your congregation really ready to love unchurched people, not just judge them? (I wrote about why Christians should let non-Christians off the moral hook here.)

One of Jesus’ genius approaches was to love people into life change. If your people can do that, you’re ready to reach unchurched people.