Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 9 Signs Your Church is Ready to Reach the Unchurched

9 Signs Your Church is Ready to Reach the Unchurched

9. You are flexible and adaptable.

In the future, you will not ‘arrive.’ I think the approach to unchurched people and the strategy behind the mission of the church needs to be flexible and adaptable.

Don’t design a ‘now we are done’ model to reaching unchurched people. You might never be done.

Churches that are adaptable and flexible in their strategy (not in their mission or vision) will have the best chance of continually reaching unchurched people.

“How quickly can your church change?” will become a defining characteristic of future churches. (If you want to read more about change, I wrote Leading Change Without Losing It last year. Additionally, John Kotter’s Leading Change is a must-read classic.)

Those are nine signs I see that your church is ready to reach unchurched people.

What do you see?