Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions Maybe Jesus Doesn’t Want You to Go on That Mission Trip After...

Maybe Jesus Doesn’t Want You to Go on That Mission Trip After All

He didn’t need to travel around with Jesus to be on mission, he could proclaim the kingdom of God right on his block.

And that’s exactly what he did. He went throughout all of his city and told them about the power of Christ in his life. Has your whole family heard? Do people know what God has done for you?

We Live on the Mission Field.

The Holy Spirit might be calling you to other parts of the world. Hallelujah!

But before you pack up and go, does Jesus want you to stay home and do the very same thing you are leaving to do?

Learn from Legion. One is not better than the other. Overseas and across the street both need the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Our Emperor Christ is sending all of us (John 20:21). Honduras, Thailand, Kenya, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, London, Tomball, TX—all need missionaries like Legion, like you and like me.

Mission trips can be a good and godly thing. They can also be a complete waste of money, nothing more than a baptized vacation.

Not all mission trips are created equal. But that’s not what we are here to talk about.

The desire for serving Christ abroad, overseas, underground or downtown is a holy thing.

But think about who you are, where you live and how much you’ve declared, in your town, what Jesus has done for you.