Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 4 Ways to Make Your Small Group Evangelistic

4 Ways to Make Your Small Group Evangelistic

3. Continually challenge small group members to think about nonbelievers.

This practical step sounds almost too basic, but it is critical. The longer people are in a church, and the higher they rise in church leadership, the more likely it is they will be disconnected from nonbelievers. Without realizing it, most of us get cocooned in the church world. We get comfortable in our world and almost dare outsiders to disrupt it.

Good small group leaders push hard against this tendency. They ask group members to share names of nonbelievers for whom they are praying. They hold members accountable for intentionally developing relationships with unbelievers. They model evangelism by telling stories of persons for whom they are praying. They lead the small group to plan fellowship activities that unbelievers might attend.

4. Celebrate when group members become believers.

What better way to rejoice than to throw a party when a nonbeliever chooses to follow Christ? The small group that has prayed for that person, reached out to her, invited her to fellowships and welcomed her into the group surely is ready to celebrate when God changes her heart. Bake a cake, buy some ice cream and give some presents!

In fact, the gift options are numerous—a Bible, Christian music, a devotional guide, a journal, Christian books and a family magazine subscription are all possibilities. The gift need not be elaborate to let the new believer know you celebrate what God has done.

Here’s the point: God-honoring, Christ-centered celebrations will help your small group’s evangelistic outreach. Clearly and intentionally praise the Lord every time He uses your group as a means to change a life—and then ask Him to use your group again. Evangelistic small groups are actually quite fun when evangelism takes place and lives are transformed. 

This article was originally published at ThomRainer.com. Used with permission.