Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions How One Pastor Stayed in One Church for 27 Years

How One Pastor Stayed in One Church for 27 Years

3. My church and I have grown together.

Longevity in ministry is impossible when the pastor and church are not growing together.

The mission of the church is what keeps you together, and as you grow in that mission into complete alignment, longevity in ministry together is more probable.

You see, in my opinion, it is a far greater achievement for my church to have had the same pastor for 27 years than for me to have been here for 27 years. Ministry is a missional partnership between a pastor and a local church.

Cross Church has a history of being a strong pastor-led fellowship of believers. This was the biblical pattern many years before my arrival. This DNA in our ministry has been one of the secrets of ministry longevity.

Through our 27 years together, we have seen the church change continually, and guess what—I have also changed continually. Both the church and the pastor changing toward Christ-likeness contributes to ministry longevity.

4. My perspective becomes clearer daily.

When my perspective is clear, I see things in a much better way.

I want to share three perspectives that I believe have helped me greatly in staying here for 27 years.

Perspective #1: I do not let people out of my circle of love.

In 1987, a very wise man named Ron Lewis challenged me in this area of life and ministry. I remember being at a Bonanza Restaurant when he looked at me and said, “Ronnie, never let anyone out of your circle of love.” All these years later, I practice this continually.

Yes, church members and staff members have been disloyal and hurt me deeply and personally, but I determine never to let anyone outside of my circle of love, AND I don’t! I refuse to do so.

You see, Pastor, if you will keep your heart open and not closed, sensitive and not hardened, some of those people may come right back around into your church again. Determine, “I will not let anyone outside of my circle of love.”