Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions How to Turn Pew Sitters Into the Ministry A-Team

How to Turn Pew Sitters Into the Ministry A-Team

This concept of ministry and discipleship is not what Jesus advocated. I do think he wants all of us to be engaged in full-time ministry—right where we are, all the time, in our vocations, at school, on the bus, at home and even at church. But his end game was not to convert everyone into paid A-team church employees.

Paid staff play a crucial role. They set the tone for ministry. And most would love to see more and more of their people move from being mere pew sitters to become full partners in ministry.

The Priesthood of All Believers

So, how might we promote everybody onto the ministry A-team? Some ideas:

1. Listen to people. Suppress the temptation to do all the talking. Respectful listening telegraphs that others have something important to contribute.

2. Devote time for people to share their God stories, which often can be more powerful and authentic than typical sermon illustrations.

3. Let capable people run with significant ministries—without bridling them with the urge to control.

4. Act more like a coach than a guru. Equip people to flourish on the real ministry field—where they live every day.

5. Spend ample time out on the ministry field—helping and cheerleading (not lording over) the people on the field.

6. Celebrate the wins on the field. Dedicate time every week to highlight how God is working through your people in remarkable ways.

7. Remind people—every week—that they are the ministers, the disciples, carrying out real ministry in ways for which they are uniquely qualified.

The church is the Body of Christ. Every part is important. We’re all in this together.