Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 3 Ways Blaise Pascal Won Hearts to Christ

3 Ways Blaise Pascal Won Hearts to Christ

If we do this, Pascal gives us a very specific outcome to shoot for. If we have pointed such things out in an effective way, then some (though surely not all) will say, “If Christianity really can give that, it would be wonderful. Yes, it would be great if it were true. But of course Christianity isn’t. What a shame!”

It is only then that most people will sit through any kind of substantial presentation of the evidence and reasons for the truth of Christianity. Now Pascal says to “show that it is [true].” If they have not been brought through stage 1 (being disarmed and surprised by the lives and speech of believers) and stage 2 (seeing the great and attractive promises of God in Christ), their eyes will simply glaze over if you begin to talk about ‘the evidence for the resurrection.’ They will still expect Christianity to be at best useless and at worst a threat. But if Christianity has begun to make emotional and cultural sense, they may listen to a sustained discussion of why it makes logical and rational sense. By ‘emotional sense’ I mean that Christianity must be shown to fill holes and answer questions and account for phenomena in the personal, inward, heart realm. By ‘cultural sense’ I mean that Christianity must be shown to have the resources to powerfully address our social problems and explain human social behavior. Only if someone’s imagination is captured will most people give a fair hearing to the strong arguments for the truth of Christianity. Let’s appeal to heart and imagination as well as to reason as we speak publicly about our faith in Jesus.  

Used with permission from Dr. Tim Keller and Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NYC