Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 7 Principles for Church Planting According to the NT Pattern

7 Principles for Church Planting According to the NT Pattern

When my wife and I planted Resurrection Church in 1984, we had no money and we did not own our own building, but we were used to the culture of our city (we were both born within a few miles of our church plant) and we had already raised up a small team of disciples we led to Christ the previous years through street evangelism. Hence, I can speak from experience as a church planter.

The following are some of the principles necessary to plant churches according to the New Testament biblical pattern:

1. Church planters were sent; they did not just volunteer to go.

The apostle Peter was told by Jesus to strengthen his brethren and to feed His sheep (Luke 22:32 and John 21:15-17). He had a divine commission to minister to the flock of God and call the Jews back to the Messiah (Galatians 2:7). The apostles Paul and Barnabas were sent out to plant churches by the leaders of the church of Antioch (Acts 13:1-2).

Consequently, it is important that a person has the blessing and confirmation of their local church before they attempt to plant a local congregation. This is necessary not only for prayer support and accountability, but also as a way to discern the will of God and make sure you are hearing His voice correctly.

2. Church planters were nurtured first under apostolic church leadership.

Peter and the original apostles were trained for more than three years under the chief apostle, our Lord Jesus. Barnabas and Paul were trained by the Jerusalem church apostolic team (Acts4:36-37; 9:26-29) and also refined their leadership skills for several years in the Antioch church (Acts 11:23-26) before they were sent out. Bible school and theoretical training are not enough; you have to serve in a local church for many years under tried and true senior church leadership before you are seasoned enough to plant and lead a congregation.

3. Planters had a clear leading of the Lord that was confirmed by the church.

Some folks come to New York City to plant a church because of the emotional excitement of ministering in the most famous city in the world. Some no doubt think they are going to become famous and make a name for themselves in ministry. I would advise against planting a church unless other unbiased mature Christian leaders also confirm it. The risk is too great to miss God in this kind of endeavor.