Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 12-Point Checklist to Improve Easter at Your Church

12-Point Checklist to Improve Easter at Your Church

Easter is the biggest of big days at your church. People are more likely to invite friends … and their friends are more likely to attend! You have a lot to consider when preparing. Here are some smaller details on our checklist that will add to your Easter experience. Don’t debate them—just take action and put them into place!

1. Parking Signage—Is it super clear to your guests where to park at your church? Should you make more “guest parking” available for this big day?

2. Bathroom Convenience Packs—Put small baskets filled with supplies in your washrooms to show your guests you were thinking of them.

Men’s: spray deodorant, hair spray, packaged mints, Tide to-go sticks, anti-acids, hand lotion

Women’s: feminine hygiene products, hair ties, tissues, mini first aid kit, hair brush, lint roller

3. Fresh Flowers—A well-placed bouquet of flowers in your foyer will make a great first impression.

4. Last-Minute Ask—Many people will wait until Easter Sunday morning to decide whether they will come to your church. Plan your social media with Social Reach Daily. (Free until Easter 2018 with our special code.)

5. Thank-You Notes—Write the addresses of the people who are serving on Easter weekend on envelopes so it’s easy to write a bunch of thank-you notes first thing on Monday morning.

6. Mints for Your Greeters—There’s nothing like a greeter with coffee breath! Get a bunch of these to have on hand at your team huddle that morning. Pass ‘em out to everyone!

7. First-Time Believers Gifts—Easter is a natural time to make decisions about faith. Have materials on hand to help people in their first steps. The Billy Graham Evangelist Association has a great package focused on Steps to Peace With God.

8. Extra Cleaning Support—Easter weekend tends to be a busy time at churches. More people means more wear and tear on your facility. What if you pulled together a small team to provide extra cleaning support? Even someone who will loop through the washrooms and wipe down the counters makes a big difference!

9. Follow-up Email—Take time before the big day to write the framework of a follow-up email. Snap a few photos on Easter and include them in the email. A timely follow-up email on Sunday evening or Monday morning is a great way to connect with people!

10. Invite Cards—What’s happening after Easter? This is a great time to invite people to whatever is coming up next. Make sure that before people leave your Easter services you deliver a strong ask for them to come back the following week.

11. Earn Back Chips—You’re going to give a lot of time and energy to your church during this season. What can you do in advance to help keep everything great on the home front? Make a plan to give back to your spouse and family. This is one of the best ways you can serve your guests!

12. Reach Out to Other Church Leaders—What if you emailed or called a couple of other pastors in your town? They’re ramping up for Easter as well and they would probably love it if you reached out to check in and let them know that you are praying for them!

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