Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 9 Ways to Create a Life of Rhythm and Change the Word

9 Ways to Create a Life of Rhythm and Change the Word

What we desire is who we become.


This pursuit starts in the heart. What we desire is who we become. When the desire of our heart is to know God, our lives will overflow with peace. When we focus our energy on the person we are becoming, the actions that flow will be saturated in love, grace and power.

QUESTION: What is your heart’s desire? 

 7.) Silence. Prayer. Reflection. Practice these consistently.

Noise is the mouthpiece of the world. Silence is the mouthpiece of God. Matthew Kelly

A life of rhythm isn’t possible without consistent times of prayer and reflection. Prayer aligns us with God’s priorities. When we are aligned with God’s priorities, we think and act from our purpose. And acting from our purpose creates a life of meaning. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” There is a parallel between being still and knowing God. We might experience God through action. But intimacy with God comes through silence. Prayer joins our dreams and hopes with those of God. Prayer exposes layers of sin. Prayer breaks down walls of prejudice and judgementalism.

Without prayer, we inevitably join the frantic pace of the world, pursuing the fleeting desires of the world, moving further away from the presence of the Lord.

QUESTION: How much of your day is spent in prayer?

8.) Focus on someone else every day.

The average human lives 27,375 days. What if we impacted one person every day? Maybe it’s as simple as a handwritten note. Maybe it’s sitting by the person at school no one else wants to sit by. Maybe it’s a simple word of encouragement at work.

Regardless, if we give life to someone every day, our impact on this world will be incalculable. This life is counterintuitive. It must flow from a life of rhythm. It must be a life that dwells in the presence of God. It is only in God’s presence that we find the strength to give every day.

God is a giver, and this reality leads me to conclude no selfless action will terminate on itself. Every good thing we do moves from the present into the future, and from the future into the eternal.

QUESTION: How can you impact someone’s life today?

9.) Learn to love the person in the mirror. 

Michael Jackson’s song “Man In The Mirror” might be the greatest pop song of all time. Justin Beiber’s song “Baby” is a close second. And while we love to sing this song, we struggle to apply it. Most of us don’t start (or end) with the man in the mirror. We are terrified of him.

In Matthew 22:37-38, Jesus gives us the two greatest commandments. Love God. Love your neighbor.

If you look closely, however, there are really three commandments. Love God. Love YOURSELF. Love your neighbor.

You see, God assumes we are going to love ourselves. But this doesn’t dismiss it as a command. An important command. This command is so important that we can’t fulfill the commandment to love our neighbors unless we love ourselves … FIRST.

Not only that, but we can’t live out our purpose until we love ourselves. This means we can’t impact the world until we love ourselves.

In a culture overtaken with plastic surgeries and eating disorders, this is something we need to hear. I need to hear this. My self-confidence is low at times. But this isn’t because God made a mistake. This is because I compare myself to the world.

God created us. He is madly in love with us just the way we are. Short. Tall. Small. Large. Black. White. Embrace the man or woman God created you to be.

If we desire peace and making an impact on this world, we must learn to love the man (or woman) in the mirror.

QUESTION: When you look at the man (or woman) in the mirror, what do you see? God sees a masterpiece. Do you?


I remember the first time I encountered the idea of rhythm in life. It was in a book called The Jesus Life by Stephen Smith. At that time, I had no idea what it really meant. I certainly had no idea how to create it. But a life of rhythm sounded life a breath of fresh air.

Now I realize it’s a breath of fresh air because it is God’s way.

A life of rhythm will draw us closer to the presence of God. And in doing so, the glory of God will shine brighter through us. A peace that surpasses understanding will guide our hearts and minds. Our decisions and actions will not be influenced by culture, perceptions or expectations. A strange, unshakeable strength will come over our lives. And because we move to the natural cadence of our Designer, we will leave an impression on this world that extends for generations.

Be forewarned: A life of rhythm won’t be received well by everyone. Even some close to you might label you as lazy or carefree. But, as Jesus said, you will know a tree by its fruit (Matt. 7:16). Don’t allow the negativity to distract you. Stay the course. Persevere.

God created you for this life. When the storms beat against your life, you will feel it. And when your life is over, others will benefit from it. Rhythm.

I love you all. To God be the glory forever. Amen!