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Do Not Fear the Hard Things of Marriage

The Lord’s Discipline

The taps from the Shepherd’s staff are not just meant for guidance, but also discipline. These taps are not meant to punish us, but to teach and instruct us. They show us the way to walk in. They teach us not to fear the unknown, but to trust the heart of our Good Shepherd, whose protection looks different from our version. He does not promise a life free of pain and hardship in marriage, but does promise that he will protect our eternal souls. For his staff stands ready to assail our spiritual attackers, and it is his comforting, loving presence that protects our hearts and minds as we walk through the valley of the shadow. His discipline is a form of protection against our own sinful hearts. For me, it was my sinful tendency to fear and not trust God with my marriage.

When our Good Shepherd guides us through the valley of the shadow in marriage, he is leading us straight to himself. And this is most comforting—to belong to Christ and to receive more of him through trials, for it is Christ himself who walks with us in the dark valley. This is why David could say, “I will fear no evil.” Though God might subject us to pain and heartache in marriage, he does not do it out of joy (though, like Christ, there is joy set before us). For David also says this about God: “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?” (Psalm 56:8).

Jesus, who walks with us, bears his own scars testifying of personal pain. He walked his own dark valley and now sympathizes and intercedes for us. Willingly, Christ placed himself under the curse of this world, so he could protect us from our own wickedness and eternal damnation. He paid the price to make us his beloved sheep and he will take great care of those who cost his own life. A Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep; we have such a shepherd and with him we will not fear the hard things of marriage.