Let’s take a moment to renew the way we see repentance. And why we can’t shame people into repentance. Then you can determine if there’s forgiveness without repentence.
Bible Verses About Repentance
Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach his message: “Turn away from your sins, because the Kingdom of heaven is near!”
Proverbs 28:13
You will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. Confess them and give them up; then God will show mercy to you.
Acts 8:22
Repent, then, of this evil plan of yours, and pray to the Lord that He will forgive you for thinking such a thing as this.
Luke 15:10
In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Matthew 3:8
Do those things that will show that you have turned from your sins.
Acts 3:19
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that He will forgive your sins.
Luke 17:3
So watch what you do! “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
2 Corinthians 7:9
Yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us.
Romans 2:5
But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when His righteous judgment will be revealed.
Acts 11:18
When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, “So then, even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life.”
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow concerning his promise, as some regard slowness, but is being patient toward you, because He does not wish for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
This article abot forgiveness without repentence originally appeared here, and is used by permission.