Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 10 Things I’ve Learned From Missionaries

10 Things I’ve Learned From Missionaries

7. Spiritual warfare is more real than I realize. I teach about spiritual warfare, and I’ve written about the topic. Missionaries on the front lines, though, are the ones who continue to teach me about its reality.

8. A pastor’s support of missions matters. Missionaries who’ve sought opportunities to tell their story to local churches usually learn this truth the hard way: When the senior leader of the church isn’t passionate about missions, the church won’t be, either.

9. American culture is generally busy … and loud … and big. I don’t think about this stuff until missionaries come back from the field and struggle adjusting. We go non-stop. Some of us don’t operate well unless we have noise in the background. We build big church buildings, have big shopping centers and eat big servings at restaurants. We overdo it, frankly.

10. God always takes care of us. I preach this truth, and I believe it. Somehow, though, it strengthens my faith when I hear it from the family that’s given up everything to follow God to the ends of the earth.

What have you learned from missionaries? If you’re a missionary, what have you learned from your colleagues?