To the Husband Who Watches Porn: A Wife’s Perspective

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


Those porn stars can’t love you back. Don’t trade the love of your life for a temporary, empty fix. Go to your wife and talk about your sexual desires and needs. Listen when she shares hers as well. Work together on having a God-honoring and sexually satisfying marriage. Don’t settle for a counterfeit image to fulfill a need that only your wife should meet.  

Porn is never the answer. It doesn’t spice things up. It chokes out real intimacy between a husband and wife.

Please know that if your husband watches porn, there is hope. Dave and I grew stronger through this struggle, and you can too. Be blessed!

For more on how wives can also struggle with porn, please read, “The Truth about Women and Porn,” by clicking here.

For resources on how to beat your porn addiction, check out XXX Church.

For an honest conversation and information on improving your marriage and intimacy, check out our latest video resource, “Best Sex Life Now,” by clicking here.

This article about when your husband watches porn originally appeared here.

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