8 Bible Verses About Sex



#7 reveals why sexual sin is in a category all by itself...

7. “Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18 

Sexual sin* is in a category of its own because of the devastation it causes. Many have been taught that all “sin” (breaking God’s laws) are in the same category, and while all sin hurts God and people, sexual sin is in a category by itself because of the powerful, negative consequences it creates for everyone involved. The Bible says so much about sexual sin specifically to PROTECT us from the consequences. Never trade temporary pleasure for permanent regret! 

*I know this steps on a lot of toes in our modern culture, but the Bible clearly puts homosexual sex within the category of sexual sin. God LOVES all people and God sees equal value in every life, but not in every lifestyle. For more on this, you can check out my post on Gay Marriage (by clicking here).

#8 reveals a beautiful truth about overcoming past sexual regret and/or abuse...

8. “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

You can find healing from past sexual regrets (and/or past sexual abuse). Most of us have some kind of sexual “baggage” from our past. It may come in the form of choices we regret or brokenness over abuse we experienced. In either case, God wants to bring you healing and peace. God loves you more than you can imagine. Allow His love and grace to fill the cracks in your broken heart.

For more tools to help you build a rock-solid marriage, check out our new video course on sex and intimacy in marriage.

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This article about Bible verses about sex originally appeared here.

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Dave Willishttps://www.marriagetoday.com/daveandashleywillis/
Dave Willis is a bestselling author, podcaster and one of the most widely-read relationship bloggers on the internet. He and his wife, Ashley, work together to create marriage and family resources as part of the ministry of MarriageToday. They have four sons ranging in age from preschool to high school, and their family lives near Dallas, TX. Dave’s new book, Raising Boys Who Respect Girls, is available everywhere books are sold on November 12, 2019.

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