Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions Is Diversity Important for the Church?

Is Diversity Important for the Church?

As we begin to view members of our churches as members of God’s family—and thus as members of our family—our prejudices begin to crumble. Understanding the family of God is yet another weapon against racial intolerance in the church and beyond. Only in the family of God can people so distinctly different be the same (equal in creation and redemption) and counted as sisters and brothers in a new family.

Revelation: Last days

Revelation records striking accounts of the last days when all nations, tribes and tongues will be worshipping Jesus. Heaven won’t be filled with homogeneous people—except that we will all be glorified. What we won’t have in heaven is the sin that separates us from God and from each other.

We won’t fight against racism or wonder how to build diversity. We will be diverse. We will love completely and fully. We will worship together and enjoy one another for all eternity.

Creation, redemption, adoption and revelation prove there is a diverse kingdom. Throughout all of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, we see God working to redeem a people for Himself, a people from every tribe and tongue and nation—colorful and diverse.

The church’s pursuit of diversity reflects the Bible’s description of the kingdom. We pursue diversity because the pages of Scripture are filled with it. Mostly we pursue diversity because the gospel embraces and advocates for a diversity of people to be born again into a new family for a holy and good God.

This article originally appeared here.