Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions Make Every Effort to Live in Unity

Make Every Effort to Live in Unity

What Will Forward and Ascend Unity?

This Sunday in my church, I will issue a bold call to my church, and perhaps it needs to be made to your church also. I believe when we are making every effort multi-generationally and multi-ethnically, we will forward and ascend unity in every way.

Do we tie our success as a church to continually becoming more multi-generational and more multi-ethnic in a visible way?

Here is where I have come to in my life and in my leadership. The more multi-generational and multi-ethnic we are as a church, the more we are giving our church a future and insuring our church will always be current. I believe the same is true of your church, denomination, or ministry you are part of or may even lead.

When we cease to be a multi-generational ministry, we are giving our future away and soon we will become a ministry of the past.

When we are not multi-ethnic as a ministry, we are irrelevant to our culture, and this will soon result in us becoming a ministry of the past.

Therefore, if we want our ministry to have a future that will always be current in today’s America, we must become more multi-generational and more multi-ethnic.

5 Facts About Unity

I want to bring this two-part article to a conclusion by sharing five facts about unity.

1. Unity is biblical.

The call from Jesus for us to live in unity is found in the Bible in multiple passages of Scripture.

2. Unity is supernatural.

The Holy Spirit is the only One who gives unity among people. Unquestionably, it is supernatural.

3. Unity is intentional.

Each of us must determine to take specific and intentional actions to live in unity and oneness.

4. Unity is testimonial.

As always, Jesus was right: Through our unity with others, the world will know by our testimony that Jesus is the Savior of the world.

5. Unity is best.

Unity is always best for every relationship, family, church, friendship, workplace, school, team and government.