Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions Church Growth: How to Reach 100 New Guests This Year

Church Growth: How to Reach 100 New Guests This Year

Look at your current numbers, consider your situation and set a goal.

#2 – Decide to reach 100 new guests.

The biggest thing holding many churches back isn’t a lack of space, an outdated facility, a poor website or a faltering program.

It’s a mindset.

Some churches have a stuck mindset, falling back to the way things are because embracing change appears too difficult.

Some churches have an insider mindset, choosing to continue programs that benefit long-time members but ignoring the needs of changing communities.

Some churches want to reach people, but in reality, their mindset isn’t ready just yet.

If your church is going to reach unchurched people, it’s going to require the right mindset.

And this is hard.

You can’t lead your church to reach the unchurched with a vision meeting or a passionate sermon.

Your goals have to become your priorities, and these are two different things.

You can set any goal you want, but if the goal doesn’t become a priority, nothing is going to change.

A goal is great, but a priority is better.

#3 – Plan your follow up for church growth in advance.

What happens when a guest visits?

Is it intentional or accidental?

And is it effective?

Head to a whiteboard or open up some flowchart process and design an experience. Your process might include some of the following steps.

  • An immediate text message. A service like Text in Church would help.
  • A phone call or voicemail. A church in Charlotte, N.C., uses SlyDial to leave a voicemail for a guest. The person’s phone never rings but a voicemail is waiting for them when they get to the parking lot.
  • An automated email sequence. You could use your database program or a tool like MailChimp to send three to five emails spread over a month to new guests. The content of these emails can be tailored to new people and answer the most common questions.
  • A hand-written thank you note. In the digital age, this might feel antiquated, but it’s one of the most personal and often the most effective follow up strategies.

Here is an example of a documented follow up process (the original, editable file along with step-by-step coaching and sample email content is available instantly to Church Fuel members).