10 Leadership Lessons That Reinhard Bonnke Taught Me

evangelist reinhard bonnke


As Reinhard and I walked together, he looked at one of the U.S. pastors who had come with me. This pastor was standing approximately twelve feet away from an office wall (Before the Fire Conference began that morning, we had met in this office.). When Reinhard looked at my pastor friend during the prayer time, I heard him say, “Lord, please touch John in a special way.” I saw John’s feet leave the ground as he floated through the air, landing near the office wall, passed out under the power of God. You can say what you will, but I saw this with my own eyes.

The Lord’s powerful anointing rested upon Reinhard Bonnke’s life! 


A faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted. I remember Reinhard and I meeting in Dr. Bill Bright’s private office at Campus Crusade for Christ in 2004. During this meeting, he was sharing his vision for the future in general and about CfaN in particular. He said, “As an evangelist, one has to be prepared to go from feast to famine and famine to feast.” In other words, there are ups and downs for the life and ministry of the evangelist.

On another occasion, while we were traveling together to minister at a church in the U.S., he shared that he was earnestly praying for the Lord to show him who his successor would be at CfaN. On numerous instances, he shared his enthusiasm regarding Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. Evangelist Kolenda became the President of CfaN in 2013. As Reinhard traveled through life, he was thinking and praying beyond the grave for the work to continue after his departure.

As I reflect on Reinhard Bonnke’s life and friendship, I know that he will be truly missed throughout the Body of Christ. I know I will miss him! He lived an amazing, faith-filled life. When Reinhard came to a city, it was common for a special parade to take place, welcoming him!  The police would escort him from the place where he was staying during the crusade all the way into the countryside where the crusade was taking place. When the nightly crusade was over, the police would escort him back. I remember riding with him in the car going to such a crusade. As we turned onto a two-way road, the police drove ahead of us, moving all cars from both sides of the road, so Reinhard and his team could safely drive to the crusade. 

I am a stronger Christian because of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s influence in my life. On one occasion, we were speaking at the same conference in Surabaya, Indonesia. During the conference, we got together for fellowship and prayer in his hotel room. After our time of fellowship, he took the time to lay his hands on me and to intercede for my life and ministry. Those were holy moments in my life. He had time for the masses; but he also had time for one-on-one. My prayer is for the Lord to raise up thousands of faith-filled and Spirit-empowered evangelists throughout the world today!

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Dr. James O. Davishttps://billion.tv/
Dr. James O. Davis is the Founder/President of Cutting Edge International and Global Church Network (www.Billion.tv); in Greater Orlando. The Global Church Network consists of more than 2,600 denominations and 665,000 churches. The Global Church Network is focused on Finish 2030 (Finish2030.com), completing the Great Commission by the 2000th Birthday of the Church.

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