Hitting a Church Growth Barrier? Getting Bigger Isn’t Your Only Option

church growth


We must get past the idea that the only effective ministry is the kind that fills up our buildings. That’s far too limiting.

Even as you pastor those who come into your building on Sundays, you can minister to so many others through an online presence that directs them to another local church where they can be pastored by someone else.

That is church growth.

Other Options

Those are three options that our church has done and continues to do with great joy and effectiveness.

To be sure, they all required growth and learning on our part. But they didn’t necessitate a shift to a leadership style that falls outside our gifting and calling.

Do you know of other churches that have stayed small, and pastors that have stayed hands-on while making significant contributions to the growth of the church? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear all about it.

This article about church growth originally appeared here, and is used by permission.

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Karl Vatershttps://www.karlvaters.com/
Karl is the author of four books and has been in pastoral ministry for almost 40 years. He is the teaching pastor of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, a healthy small church in Orange County, California, where he has ministered for over 27 years with his wife, Shelley. Karl’s heart is to help pastors of small churches find the resources to lead well and to capitalize on the unique advantages that come with pastoring a small church. Karl produces resources for Helping Small Churches Thrive at KarlVaters.com, and has created S.P.A.R.K. Online (Small-Church Pastors Adapt & Recover Kit), which is updated regularly with new resources to help small churches deal with issues related to the COVID-19 crisis and aftermath.

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