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A Recap of ‘The Thorn’—And Why You Should See It

The narrator approach didn’t translate as well on film, Bolin says, so the movie version of “The Thorn” features John in a cave on Patmos. When a slave boy named Asher sneaks inside the cave, John begins telling him about Jesus. By the end of the movie, Asher symbolically removes his slave collar and finds freedom through faith.

‘This Will Reignite Your Passion for Jesus’ 

Since its launch in 1997, “The Thorn” had led to more than 100,000 commitments for Christ. And Bolin expects those numbers to continue climbing, with the movie addition and the live show’s mainstream exposure.

The show is immersive—and not just due to all the action by performers. At one point, audience members can fill out white magnets and place them on a cross. The cross is labeled with different “strongholds” in different markets, Bolin explains.

Through that immersive experience, thousands of people have found freedom from various sins, addictions, and temptations. One attendee admitted he had been planning to commit suicide that night, until seeing “The Thorn.”

As the production continues its run, people can support the outreach in several ways. Ticket sales and financial donations help keep “The Thorn” running. Online, professionals can apply to be on the touring team, and volunteers can sign up to assist local crews. Volunteer tasks range from selling merchandise to occasionally filling in for artists during rehearsals.

Asked why faith leaders and Christians should see and recommend “The Thorn,” Bolin offers two main reasons. First, it’s a great tool for engaging and encouraging congregation members. “This will reignite your passion for Jesus and rejuvenate your faith,” he says. 

Second, seeing “The Thorn” motivates Christians to be light-bearers to the unchurched. Bolin suggests that churchgoers use the movie and show to start conversations about faith topics—and then invite people to attend with them. Once there, whether in a stage venue or movie theater, all viewers will encounter Jesus.