Approval Addiction

I’m continually amazed at the crazy things we do in an attempt to find approval and love from the people around us.

Some of you have jumped through some absurd hoops hoping to gain love and approval from your parents.

Some of you have worked your fingers to the bones, ignoring your family, hoping to get the approval of your boss.

Some of you gave yourself away sexually this weekend to someone you hardly knew hoping to gain the love of someone.

The reality is daily we turn to people around us to give us something no human being could ever give us.

Here’s the powerful story of Stephanie who was brave enough to share with us for our Empty Promises series this weekend at Cross Point. Stephanie sent me her story a couple weeks ago after reading this post and wanting to reach out to help this young lady.

I love it when people are willing to step out of the shadows and brave judgment, embarrassment and ridicule to tell us about how God met them in their darkest of moments.

Stephanie Paige Story from Cross Point Church on Vimeo.