You Can’t Do It All!

Contrary to the popular belief of Wannabe-Super-People, You Can’t Do It All!  Leaders stop fooling yourself and more importantly stop robbing yourself of the opportunity to lead at an high altitude through delegation and empowerment, because of your desire to want to do everything.   We live in a society that is all about busy, busy, busy and go, go, go.  In the midst of all of our business and going, we must realize that we can’t do it all.

You can’t run every meeting, have every answer, make every appointment, know every detail, be every expert… so stop trying.

This is not only true for leaders in the workplace, but rather parents and people in general.

Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity – is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.” If you keep fooling yourself into thinking that you can do it all  – You’re Insane!

That assignment will be there tomorrow, that appointment can be schedule little further out and that meeting is probably not necessary.  Prioritize the things in your personal life and work life and make the necessary adjustments to communicate, “You Can’t Do It All!” Step #1 is that simple acknowledgement and admission of the fact that, “You Can’t do It All!”

Do you suffer from insanity?  Do you try to do it all?

dream BIG. think BIGGER.

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Scott Williams served as a key leader and Campus Pastor for He is the Chief Solutions Officer for Nxt Level Solutions, a consulting company he founded to help businesses, non-profits and individuals with both internal and external growth. Scott is speaker, strategist, consultant and developer of leaders. He is an avid blogger at, and leverages Social Media to make a Kingdom impact. Scott is passionate about leadership development, organizational growth and diversity. He is the author of “Church Diversity – Sunday The Most Segregated Day Of The Week.” Scott is married, a father of two, and lives in Oklahoma City, OK.